Elections in Brazil: who are the voters of each candidate and why do they choose them?

The Brazilian voters, in general, do not vote for partisan proposals and yes for proximity to the candidates. There is a clear difference between the candidates "of the left" (Fernando Haddad, Ciro Gomes, Marina Silva and Guilherme Boulos), those of "center right" (Alvaro Dias, Henrique Meirelles, João Amoedo and Geraldo Alckmin) and the candidate "of right "(Jair Mesias Bolsonaro). Despite this classification, the voters most interested in political and economic issues make a more radical difference: populists and non-populists. The profile of the voters on each side of the party ideologies, obtained on the basis of the profile of each of the candidates, is the following according to a study by the BTG Pactual bank. In the case of Bolsonaro, his supporters are between 25 and 40 years old, and secondary education. The voters of Petista Haddad have between 16 and 24 years old and incomplete primary education, the same group that votes for Gomes and...